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HomeFor HomeTipsCountertop Pizza Oven: Buying Guide of 2021

Countertop Pizza Oven: Buying Guide of 2021

A countertop pizza oven is a kitchen appliance that is used to create a controlled heat environment for baking pizzas in the heated chamber or on a brick base. This allows the pizza to cook evenly and faster than in a traditional oven. This device is available in electrical as well as a gas range.

Electrical models use the convection method to distribute equal heat while the gas models have stove burners. Some models also have wood burners for heat supply. Many of these units also have a timer, which helps you cook your pizza at the right time.

The countertop pizza ovens produce uniformly cooked and crispy pizza crust. Pizza ovens are available in different types, such as deck ovens, conveyor ovens, and BBQ pizza ovens. It is important to consider certain factors before selecting any type. Continue reading to find out how this blog can help you make an informed purchase.

What Should I Look for Before Buying a Countertop Pizza Oven?

Space Available

The countertop pizza oven can be available in different sizes. The right size depends on your available space. You should determine the place of installation and the size of the oven that will best fit your desired place. Make sure you check the dimensions of your selected model in the product description section.


Pizza ovens vary in their capacity, with some capable of cooking four pizzas simultaneously, while others can only cook one or two. You should find what cooking capacity of the oven will be ideal for your cooking needs. You can consider buying large models if you are cooking for a big family or at a party. The small ovens are good if you are cooking a less amount of food.

Design and Materials

Considering the design and materials of the oven is important. Several ovens can hold heat for 3 hours or more. These models are efficient at heating your food evenly. The base material can also differ from brick or stone to steel. A model with good construction and a durable construction is the one you should choose.

Fuel Options

The right fuel option will help you add the perfect flavor to your pizzas. You can go with wood-burners, electric variants, and other options including charcoal and gas. Wood-fired pizzas have a different taste and are the top popular choice of most individuals.


The higher warranty indicates of more lifespan of the device. The standard warranty for some brands and stores is one year, which can be extended to three years. Most brands provide a two-year warranty on products in their premium range. Make sure the warranty you get also covers the replacement of defective parts.


You may want faster cooking but not at an expensive running cost. Look for power-efficient models that consume less energy and deliver more heat. You can save a considerable amount of money on your energy bills with such models.

Final Thoughts

Countertop pizza ovens allow you to prepare your pizza in a stylish way without the mess or fuss of the traditional oven. These devices are easy to use and you can make the right flavored pizza in just a matter of few minutes. Consider buying the large-sized and easy-to-hold pizza peels for baking your pizzas with ease.

Samantha Parker
Samantha Parker
Samantha is a mother of two kids, so is well-versed in the best toys for kids and household goods. She has acquired two master's degrees and many hours of doctoral work. She enjoys writing, painting, teaching, and research. Samantha has an encyclopedic knowledge of cooking food, and is always looking for chances to expand on that. When she's not working, she likes playing video games, watching old movies, and keeping up with pop culture.


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