Saturday, February 15, 2025
HomeFor HomeTipsHow to Clean Mattress Stains

How to Clean Mattress Stains

Buying a high-quality mattress can be a serious investment, which is why you should take extra care to keep it clean, sanitary and to prolong its longevity. But in many cases, accidents can happen, and you can end up with an unsightly stain on your mattress. Furthermore, if your mattress has a warranty, some companies have policies that visible stains on their products void the warranty.

This is why, if you end up with a stain on your mattress, you should proceed to remove it as efficiently as possible.

Thankfully, most stains can be removed without the need to hire expensive professional cleaning services for deep cleaning mattresses. This means that you won’t need to wait for your mattress to dry completely before you can use it again after a deep cleaning with water and steam.

Cleaning mattress stains – the tools and materials you will need

If you decide to opt for a DIY mattress stain removal method for getting rid of the nasty stain on your bed, then chances are that your pantry and cabinets already include everything you will need to perform this task.

Here are the materials and tools you will need:

  • Baking soda;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Laundry detergent;
  • White vinegar;
  • A vacuum cleaner;
  • A brush, cloth, or sponge;
  • A spray bottle.

A step by step guide for cleaning mattress stains

Get the mattress ready

Take off all of the sheets and bedding from the mattress, and proceed to clean it with a vacuum cleaner to remove any debris and dust from the surface. You can use the crevice tool of your vacuum cleaner to clean the hard-to-reach piping and areas.

While vacuuming the mattress will not actually affect the stain, it is essential to keep the bed as clean as possible so as not to spread any dirt and make an even bigger mess during the cleaning.

Plus, cleaning the mattress with a vacuum cleaner once a week can help reduce the number of dust mites that reside in it and feed on your dead skin cells.

This is essential if you want to prolong the longevity of your mattress and also to limit the risk of allergic reactions and respiratory or skin problems due to dust mites and other microorganisms.

Treat the stain depending on its type:

Time needed: 4 minutes

  1. Removing urine, vomit, or sweat stains from a mattress

    These bodily fluids are the most common reason for ending up with a stain on the mattress.
    To remove such stains, start by gently misting the stained area with clean water via a spray bottle.
    Then mix a cleaning solution consisting of a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide, three spoons of baking soda, and add several drops of dishwashing detergent.
    Use a spray bottle to apply the solution to the stain using the mist function to limit the dampening of the mattress.
    Then use an old toothbrush or a soft-bristled brush to work the solution into the stained fabric. Continue scrubbing the area until the stain disappears.
    After you are done, use a damp clean cloth with clean water to blot off the solution and rinse the stain.

  2. Removing blood stains from a mattress

    If the stain is fresh, then start by absorbing as much of the excess liquid as possible by blotting it with a colorfast cloth or absorbent paper towels until the blood stops transferring to them.
    Then mix your hydrogen peroxide and baking soda solution but place it in the refrigerator for an hour because heat will set the blood stain for good.
    Apply the solution and proceed to brush it gently with a brush or to blot it with a cloth without rubbing it around to avoid spreading the stain even further. After the stain is gone, rinse it off by blotting the area with a clean damp cloth.

  3. Removing stains from food and drinks

    Remove any excess food or liquid from the mattress by blotting the area with a clean cloth, and then apply a cleaning solution made of one part vinegar, one part laundry detergent, and ten parts warm water all mixed in a spray bottle. Mist the stained area, and use a soft brush to work it into the mattress. Let it sit for 15 minutes and proceed to blot it away with a clean damp towel. Use an absorbent towel to blot out any remaining water.

Finishing up the cleaning

After you are done, sprinkle the area with baking soda and let it sit for several hours. This will help absorb any remaining moisture and also the unpleasant odors from the mattress.

Once it has dried, vacuum the baking soda off with a vacuum cleaner.

Let the mattress dry completely by turning on the ventilation, the heating, or opening the windows. You can use a hairdryer to quicken the process.

Samantha Parker
Samantha Parker
Samantha is a mother of two kids, so is well-versed in the best toys for kids and household goods. She has acquired two master's degrees and many hours of doctoral work. She enjoys writing, painting, teaching, and research. Samantha has an encyclopedic knowledge of cooking food, and is always looking for chances to expand on that. When she's not working, she likes playing video games, watching old movies, and keeping up with pop culture.


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